Monday, November 3, 2008

I've been working all day, today :)

Finally, something happend and I returned to my unfinished images, and I started with two new. I paint step by step two copies of Kossak waterolors but I still haven't began the third one.
These are the "Lisowczycy" . Dimensions 42x55cm (about 16" x 22". I painted in stages, there is still a lot of details to do. It comes to me slowly, but it is closer and closer to the end.
This is "The Battle of Pskov" dimensions 58cm x 85 cm (22"x33")! I heve never painted anything so big. I do not like the way the paint is drying, it creates unnecessary edges. I'm going to buy a bottle of bovine bile or arabic gum and add it to water. To improve the distribution of paint.
Yesterday I started another oil painting - landscape 40x60cm (16"x24"). You can't not see too much.for now. First I put the mixture of raw siena and red heavily diluted with the turpentine. When I started to dry I painted the sky - ultramarine blue with white and a bit of prussian blue. Going down I added more white and red from the middle. On the second day of repeated painting the sky with more accuracy and idicated clouds with white.
Yesterday I also outlined two images 30x40cm (12"x16"). They'll be done with ink and watercolor. After transfering the photos onto the paper with pencil 2B I threw them into the bath with water for 10 minutes and taped them to the boards.

Today they are already dry and I can start to draw.

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